

Swami Yogeshwarananda Ji Maharaj, within the Himalayan Raja Yoga Tradition of Meditation, offers profound insights into the transformative practice of meditation. This tradition integrates the wisdom of PataƱjali's Yoga-sutras, the philosophy and practices of Raja Yoga, and the oral instructions and initiatory experiences passed down through generations of revered saints and Yoga masters.

The Himalayan Tradition is not a mere combination of unrelated elements; rather, it is a cohesive and interconnected system where each component plays an integral role. It encompasses a comprehensive range of tenets and practices derived from various known systems of meditation, many of which have originated from within this tradition.

For instance, practices like Vipassana emphasize breath awareness, while Transcendental Meditation focuses on the repetition of mantras. Hatha practitioners primarily emphasize posture. However, in the Himalayan Tradition, meditators are taught to cultivate correct posture, deep relaxation, and precise breathing techniques. They then combine breath awareness with the use of mantras, although some practitioners may choose to meditate without a mantra.

By incorporating these various elements, the Himalayan Tradition offers a holistic approach to meditation that encompasses a wide spectrum of techniques and principles. It provides practitioners with a comprehensive framework to develop a deep and transformative meditation practice, allowing for the integration of body, breath, mind, and mantra.

Swami Yogeshwarananda Ji Maharaj's teachings within the Himalayan Raja Yoga Tradition of Meditation illuminate the profound wisdom and practical insights that underpin this unified system. Through the exploration of these practices, individuals can embark on a profound journey of self-discovery and inner transformation

  • Yoga Niketan Ashram Trust; Muni-Ki-Reti; Ramjhula P.O. Shivanand Nagar, Pin-249192, Rishikesh, Uttrakhand state, India
  • Office: +91 135 2430227
  • Manager: +91 6397514497
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  • Booking:+9149196465
  • Counselling:+91 9557430445
  • Yoga Niketan Trust 30-A, Road 78, Punjabi Bagh (West) New Delhi-110026 India
  • Phone: +91-1125226192
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